A blog is basically an online journal wherein youcan digitally pen down your thoughts, ideas,opinions and practically anything that you wantpeople to read। Blogs come in different styles,formats, and settings, depending on thepreference of the user। Many blogging sites,offer built in features such as hyperlink,straight texts, pictures etc. Some bloggingsites, even allow you to put video and mp3's onyour blogs. Instead of writing texts, some bloggers choose tomake their blogs more audio friendly, by usingspoken word entries. This is called audioblogging. Basically a blog contains these features: title- which allows you to label your postbody- this is the content of your posttrackback- other sites can be linked back to yourblogpermanent link- every article that you write hasa URLcomments- this allow readers to post comments onyour blog. One of the advantages of blogging, is that it ismade of only a few templates. Unlike, otherwebsites that is made up of numerous individualpages. This make it easier for blog users tocreate new pages, because it already has a fixsetting that include: slots for title, body ofthe post, category, etc. This is especially useful for first time users,since they can start blogging right away. Theycan chose from a number of templates thatblogging websites provide. Anyone who wants to start a blog can do so bybecoming a member of a blogging website of theirchoice. Once they've become members, theyautomatically become a part of that particularblogging community. They can browse through otherbloggers pages, and link them back to their ownblogs. They can also make comments on othermembers' blogs. Blogging is not just limited to personal usage.There are a lot of blogs that follow a theme suchas: sports, politics, philosophy, socialcommentary, etc. These blogs espouse on theirspecific themes. This way blogging becomes amedium in which people can share their knowledgeand opinions about a variety of themes andtopics. Some bloggers even use their blogs as a means toadvertise. Some authors advertise their books ontheir blogs. While other bloggers, use theirblogs to shed light to currents issues, events,news and catastrophes. Nowadays in education, blogs also play animportant part. Professors use blogging todocument the lessons that they have discussed andtaught. This way, students who who have missedclasses, can easily catch up with theirassignments. A lot of entrepreneurs benefit from blogging bypromoting their businesses on their blogs, withmillions and millions of people logging onto thenet everyday, blogging has become a lucrativemove. Some bloggers who run online businessespromote their merchandise online. While othersprofit through advertisement. But by far, the most popular blog type is the onethat takes the form of a personal journal. Thisis the kind that is usually used by first timebloggers. Individuals who want to document thedaily struggle of their everyday lives, poems,rants, opinions, find that blogging offers them amedium in which to express themselves. Bloggers usually communicate within themselves.This is one of the appeals of blogging. Itcreates a community of people sharing theirideas, thoughts, and comments with each other. Blogs varying in topics, themes, and set-ups, canbe found in blog directories. First time userswho want to get an idea of what the bloggingworld is all about can browse through a number ofblogs using these directories. This way they'dget an idea of what these blogging communitiesare like. Blogging is popular all over the world. Blog isshort for the term weblog. There are no ruleswhen it comes to blogging. Bloggers have thefreedom to express themselves how ever way theywant, and the best thing about blogging, is thatmost blogging sites are free. There are numerous blogging websites to choosefrom in the net. This give first time users theoption of joining a blogging community thatappeals to their interests. Just search any blogging directory and you'd geta listing of a lot of blogging sites that areavailable on the net. It's easy to search ablogging directory, because it is organizedaccording to category. This way you would getexactly what you are after. Blogging is reallyfor everyone. It is fun, simple and easy.