Thursday, November 1, 2007


My first notebook

Dear Sir/Madam

I am writing to express interest in the position of part-time Content Editor you currently have advertised on the SEEK employment site. I am very excited by this opportunity to apply. I am an excellent sub-editor, with a finicky eye for detail, and a passion for punctuation. If you'll excuse the extended metaphor, editing is like fine surgery: you need strong diagnosis skills, a light but sure touch, an ability to transform the interior without disturbing the beating heart, and an awareness of the ticking clock. If I had a medical degree, I'd be a great surgeon, but since I spent five years studying the English language and all its parts, I became a great editor.

I am also a strong writer. I have contributed to a number of student publications and an anthology which I helped edit and produce. I work quickly and confidently and I love what I do. I am extremely motivated and a great manager of time, I learn quickly and I have strong analytical skills. In my time at [publishing company], I have had to develop relationships with a number of people, other editors, authors, designers and printers, and I have found I had a knack for developing productive relationships with all these people very quickly. I have also had to use innovative research skills in fact-checking and compiling additional resources for information texts.

I take a lot of pride in a job done well and set high standards for myself, to ensure the work I produce is of a consistently high quality. I am not seeking a 'corporate' work environment (I don't have the wardrobe for it and even if I did, I'd always feel like I was wearing someone else's clothes!), but a productive and fulfilling one. I want to work with a good team of people who, like me, love what they do and want to do it well.

As far as web skills go, I fall loosely into the 'otherwise brilliant' category. I am extremely excited by the possibilities of the Internet and I do understand the practical and theoretical differences between writing for the Internet and writing for print media; however, I do not have hands on skills with writing for the Internet. You will find though that I am an extremely fast learner and highly adaptable to the demands of a new workplace. I have had to learn a number of new skills at [publishing company], often in a self directed capacity. I expect to hit the ground running in any new job. I would be willing to do any additional training required, in my own time if necessary.

I am particularly interested in this position as it is part time, which would allow me to continue freelancing at [publishing company], which I love doing. They are a good group of people with an exciting and innovative publishing list.

Please consider my application as I have a lot to offer and would embrace the opportunity to show off these abilities.

Best wishes