Sunday, December 2, 2007

Bush asks for $30 billion more to fight AIDS

MOUNT AIRY, Md. - President Bush urged Congress on Friday to approve an additional $30 billion for the fight against AIDS worldwide over the next five years, and announced he would visit Africa early next year to further highlight the need and his administration’s efforts.
“We dedicate ourselves to a great purpose: We will turn the tide against HIV/AIDS — once and for all,” Bush said. “I look forward to seeing the results of America’s generosity.”
Bush chose the gymnasium at the Calvary United Methodist Church in this tiny western Maryland town to make his remarks. The church supports a Christian group home and school in Namibia for children orphaned by the disease. Before speaking, he met with representatives from churches and other religious groups that have been fighting AIDS, part of his attempt to highlight his belief that faith-based organizations are the beEvangelical Christians, who make up a large and influential portion of Bush’s political support, have been key to his policies increasing U.S. involvement in the fight against AIDS, particularly in Africa. Bush has been said to believe that the United States, and his administration, do not get enough credit for the work being done on the issue.
“Every year American taxpayers send billions of their hard-earned dollars overseas to save the lives of people they have never met,” he said.
But “in return for this extra generosity, Americans expect results,” the president said, adding that his program demands measurable progress, accountability and the involvement of local partners. The result: The number of people in sub-Saharan Africa receiving treatment for AIDS has gone from 50,000 five years ago to nearly 1.4 million now.
“We have pioneered a new model for public health,” Bush said. “So far, the results have been striking.”st vehicles for such work.